PTO Meeting Notes 11/11/2021
Bethesda PTO Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 11, 2021
Location: Bethesda Elementary School
In Attendance: Kocoa Menges, Tatiana Liston, Megan Halaschak, Cindy Salus, Jen Vannoy, Lindsay Wright, Erin Mitchell, Ashley Hull, Amanda Pilkinton, Jill Justus
9:37 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright
· Sponsorship (Lindsay Wright)
-Sponsorship banners are hung. Still needing to order the plaques.
· Treasure (Erin Mitchell)
-$29,027.91 in bank
-$10,017.56 made at BBQ
-$820.40 made at photo fundraiser
-Asked Mrs. Justus to send out a reminder for teachers to turn in their classroom teacher grants.
· Spirit Wear (Jen Vannoy)
-New store open. We have sold $1297.
-Retro hoodies and zip ups are the best sellers.
-Store will close Friday, November 19th.
· Hospitality (Kocoa Menges)
-October Luncheon was a success!! All the soups were consumed. Thank you to PTO for providing these for the luncheon.
-November Luncheon is Thursday, November 18th.
-Publix (Berry Farms) is splitting the cost of the deli sandwiches along with 3rd grade parents donating drinks, chips, desserts
-December Luncheon is Wednesday, December 15th. Set up by 10 am
-PTO will provide food for this luncheon.
-Meat (turkey/ham/pork loin?) Kocoa M.
-Sweet Potato Casserole=Lindsay W.
-Green Beans=Erin M.
-Corn=Amanda P.
-Rolls=Jen V.
-Sodas=Leftover from Tailgating
-Sweet Tea=Kocoa M.
-Desserts=Tatiana L, Cindy S, Kocoa M
-Plates/Napkins/Cups=Kocoa M.
-Warming Trays=Melissa D.
· Spirit Nights (Tatian Liston)
-Farmers Market, we made a few hundred dollars.
-Thanks to Kasi Haire for setting this up and giving us such a great booth location.
-Grecian Family Restaurant spirit night is today. This goes through the whole day along with takeout.
-Coffee Truck. Working on having a coffee truck come to Bethesda to sell coffee to teachers/parents. Reminder to do a fundraiser request (two weeks before).
-Working on spirit nights with Chick Fila (Spring Hill), McAlister’s (Spring Hill), Sonic (Berry Farms).
· December Events (Lindsay Wright)
-Drive Through Santa is Saturday, December 5th
-Bus Drivers/Custodians is Monday, December 13th.
-Double check to see if Ms. Kay (bus driver is actually retiring)
· Online Basket (Erin Mitchell)
-Online Baskets will be for auction December 6-10.
-Teacher Treats due by December 3rd
· Angel Tree (Lindsay Wright)
-Still working with the social worker to get details figured out.
· Money to Spend!! (Lindsay W, Erin M, Jill Justus)
-Since we made so much at the BBQ, we are ready to start spending some money.
Motion to approve $2000 for a new fridge for the teacher’s kitchen by Lindsay Wright
Seconded by Jen Vannoy
All in Favor=Approved budget of $2000
Motion to approve $8000 for walkie talkies by Lindsay Wright
Seconded by Jen Vannoy
All in Favor=Approved budget of $8000
· Next Meeting Thursday, December 9th, @ 10am at Lindsay Wright’s home.
-Bring gift for dirty santa game, $20 limit
Meeting adjourned at 10: am by Lindsay Wright