PTO Meeting Notes 10/7/2021
Bethesda PTO Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 7th, 2021
Location: Bethesda Elementary School
In Attendance: Kocoa Menges, Leslie Janssen, Kasi Haire, Megan Halaschak, Cindy Salus, Erin Ward, Jen Vannoy, Lindsay Wright, Erin Mitchell, Suz Wilhelm, Ashley Hull, Melissa Daniel, Jill Justus
10:04 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright
· Treasurer (Erin Mitchel)
-$11,691.71 Sponsorship
-$13,830 Direct Donations
· Spirit Wear (Jen Vannoy)
-Twine Sales for last spirt-wear was just under $9,000 (this is the highest sales we’ve had in spirt-wear!! Go Jen)
-Next store will be in November
-Jen collected past sales from Twine to see which items have sold well and which items have not.
· Hospitality (Kocoa Menges)
-October Teacher Luncheon is scheduled for the 21st. We are doing soup/salads
-PTO will provide the soups and ask 4th grade to donate other items. Amanda will be sending sign up to Mrs Justus to send out to 4th grade parents.
· Chicken Tortilla-Melissa
· Chili with Beans-Lindsay
· Chili without Beans-Erin M
· Zuppa Tuscana-Jen
· Broccoli Cheese-Amanda
· Chicken Noddle-Kocoa
-November Luncheon will be on Thursday, the 18th. Waiting to hear back from Firehouse Subs on what they will be donating.
· Spirit Night (Tatiana)
-October 26th , 4-7pm at Thompsons Station Farmers Market. 20% of proceeds will go to PTO.
-November 11th at Grecian Pizza
· Backyard BBQ (Kasi Haire)
-Will send out signup for volunteers
-Start setup at 2 pm
-4:30 pm PTO be there before guest
-Summit Art Students will be face painting
· Fundraising (Lindsay Wright)
-Sat, Nov 6th Photo Fundraiser
-Shutterfly (order Christmas Cards)
· Class Baskets (Erin Mitchell)
-Will send information to room moms in November
-Baskets to be auctioned December 6-10
-Get a list of teacher options to auction off
· Direct Donations (Lindsay Wright)
-Pizza/Popsicle for top class in each grade
-Treats for teachers/Ice cream cups for students, donated from Andy’s
· Gaga Pit (Tatian Liston)
-After placing and paying for the lumber/supplies from Home Depo, they decided to reimburse Tatiana and donated all the supplies to our school. What an amazing gift!!
-Store supplies in PTO shed until we get the approval
· Teacher Donations (Erin Ward)
-Asking Jill to remind teachers that they have a $100 for PTO to reimburse them for classroom supplies.
Meeting adjourned at 11 am by Lindsay Wright