PTO Meeting Notes 4/15/2021

Bethesda PTO Board Meeting
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2021

Location: Home of Lindsay Wright

In attendance: Lindsay Wright, Kocoa Menges, Amanda Pilkinton, Jen Vannoy, Erin Mitchell

In attendance via Zoom: Jill Justus and Cassie West


10:03 am- Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright


·       Treasure Report (Erin Mitchell)

$18,181.45 in bank (report attached)

$2,000 Budgeted for 5th grade ceremony


·       School Supplies (Lindsay Wright)

-Flyer Posted on Facebook Page

-Send email to incoming Kindergarten parents

-Last day to order June 15th

-Kits will be delivered a week before school (need to verify date of drop off)


·       Kona Ice (Lindsay Wright)

Will be at the school April 22 and 23rd. 1-3 pm

-need volunteers for Thursday, the 22nd


·       5th Grade Promotion (Erin Mitchell)

$2,000 given to 5th grade teachers for items needed

White shirts with middle school letters of school each child will be attending will be delivered for tye dying


·       Hospitality (Lindsay Wright)

Teacher Appreciation Week

-Monday, May 3rd Panera is being catered for teachers/staff

-Tuesday, May 4th Birch Box donated

-Wednesday, May 5th Ice Cream Truck Shugs Ice Cream Truck

-Thursday, May 6th Cookies donated from Crumbl Cookie

-Friday, May 7th Lunch donated from Martin’s Bbq


-We still need to send out flyers/email to students to get them involved in Teacher Appreciation Week.


·       Jill Justus

-Landscaping (can we get volunteer to come help clean up the outside of the school

-Possibly getting someone to commit to mulching/trimming twice a year (spring/fall)

If they will maintain the outside, we will add their logo as a sponsor.


·       Kindergarten Sneak a Peak

-Thursday, May 13th 5:30-6:30 pm

-Flyer for PTO members (we need all the members next year)

-Give away mini Bethesda Footballs!!


·       President Position for PTO 2021-2022

-Motion to change bylaws for Lindsay Wright to be President for another year by Amanda Pilkinton.

-Seconded by Jen Vannoy

-All in favor=Approved


·       Events for Next School Year

-We are going to plan event as our school year is going to be a normal school year.

-Backyard BBQ

-Online Auction

-Class Baskets

-Food Trucks need to be booked!!


·       Back to School Bash

-Tuesday, August 3rd

-Food Trucks will be scheduled to come at 4:30 pm so teachers/staff can eat

-Bash is 5:30-7pm


·       Boohoo Breakfast

-Monday, August 16th 9-10 am



Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am by Lindsay Wright

Bethesda PTO