PTO Meeting Notes 8/11/2022
Bethesda PTO Meeting
Date: Thursday, August 11th, 2022
Location: Bethesda Conference Room
In Attendance: Lindsay Wright, Erin Mitchell, Kocoa Menges, Ashley Hull, Kasi Haire, Ann Betts, Ms. Nichols, Leigh-Ann Pasquale, Dr. Miller
9:17 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright
· Treasurer (Erin Mitchel)
-$8,208.23 in bank (report attached)
-Papa Murphy’s check from spirit night came in
-Spirit wear from May until now $2,551.30
· Sponsorship (Lindsay Wright)
-School Supplies Check is around $900
-Lindsay has sent 57 letters for Sponsorships
-$500 from Farrow Dentistry
-$2000 from Wright Law
-$2000 coming from AJ
-Direct Donation letter goes our Wednesday, August 17th
· Spirit Wear (Ann Betts)
-Sales in, profit $1900
-Preordered shirts were handed out today
-Blue water bottles backordered until end of August
-New spirit wear go live on Friday, August 20th
· Hospitality (Kocoa Menges & Kasi Haire)
-August Luncheon was a success.
(Martin’s BBQ donated pulled pork, buns, coleslaw, baked beans)
-Thursday, September 8th Nacho Bar, 5th grade help. Kasi reached out to Tito’s to donated ground beef and chicken
-October Luncheon (Wed, October 5th) Soup
(we need 9 crockpots of soup donated from PTO members)
-Stock the Fridge
Thursday, August 18th email sent to Dr. Miller
Friday, August 19th Dr. Miller will send Stock the Fridge email to school
Thursday, August 25th @ 2:30 pm items will be stock & chilled for Friday the 26th
· Spirit Nights (Ashley Hull)
- Soar made $47. It was extremely hot. Will pick another, cooler day to reschedule
-August, Nothing Bundt Cakes, ends August 11th , we make $1.50 per bundt
-September 20th, Brentwood Skates (glow sticks)
-October 1st, 11-9 pm, At the Spot Burgers
-November, highway 55 or Sweet CeCe’s
-No Spirit Night in December
· Boo Hoo Breakfast (Erin Mitchell)
-Will be Monday, August 15th
· Backyard BBQ (Lindsay W & Kasi H)
-BBQ Friday, October 21st 5:30-8pm
-Food trucks will be set up by 4:30 pm
-We need 2-3 Officers, who need comp time (one at each entrance)
-Music (Kasi has someone), Leslie (stage), Leigh-Ann (Spiderman & Princess scheduled)
-Reach out to Page & Indy (Summit has their homecoming on the same night as BBQ)
-8 inflatables, no laser tag, cake walk, soda toss, climbing wall, touch a truck
-Brittney=fall craft table
-Kocoa=Silent Auction
-Food Trucks=Boy Scouts (Hamburger/hotdogs), Taco’s by Tam, Maniacs, Dusty Nacho, CD’s BBQ, Kettle Corn
· Principal Report (Kari Miller)
-Teacher Leadership-rebranding dragon traits
-Raise money for new furniture, audio system for the gym, new trash cans, security, working on and furnishing a new conference room
-shirts for new (maybe all) teachers
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am by Lindsay Wright