PTO Meeting Notes 3/10/2022
Bethesda Elementary School PTO Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022
Location: Bethesda Elementary School
In Attendance:
Lindsay Wright, Jill Justus, Kocoa Menges, Tatiana Liston, Jen Vannoy, Erin Mitchell, Ashley Hull, Suz Wilhelm, Megan Halaschak, Leslie Janssen, Ann Betts, Cindy Salus
9:17 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright
· Treasure Erin Mitchell
-$19,324.44 in bank
-We made $244 Honey Baked Ham
-Ties & Tiara sold 480 tickets=profit $3058.17
-Amazon Donation $199
-Public/Kroger Donations-remind parents in newsletter to add BES
-Next year BizTown, PTO will cover $30 per student (parents cover $10)
-$300 given to Read Across America
-$200 given to Ms. Pittsley to cover treats
-Stream Night Marco’s Pizza (Spring Hill) is donating 15 pizzas for teacher/volunteers. In return, we will do a Sprit Night in May
-Teacher Reimbursement only 18 turned in so far
-Present/Vote 2022-2023 Budget next meeting
· Hospitality Kocoa Menges
-Fill the Fridge=Thursday, March 31 items to be sent in/stock the fridge end of the day.
Friday, April 1st drinks ready to go for staff/teachers
-Have sign on the fridge!!
-March Luncheon= Thursday, March 24th Shugs 10:30-1pm
Kocoa M, Erin M. and Lindsay W. will be there/check/invoice ready
-April Luncheon=Sunshine Cart
-May Luncheon=CD’s BBQ (bbq there by 9:45 am)
· Spirit Night Tatiana Liston
-Taco Kits $37 per kit
-Send email reminder Monday, March 20th
-Brentwood Skates (come up with a theme for our students)
-Papa Murphy’s (still waiting on check from April Spirit Night)
-Penny Wars (May)
· Spirit Wear Jen Vannoy
-February 15th the new store opened. $1,186 in sales (profit $320)
-In May, all items turned off. Only selling BES Field Trip shirts for next year
-Still having stock issues with shirt/color options
· Events End of Year and 22-23 School Year Lindsay Wright & Jill Justus
-Sneak A Peek (May ?)
-Family Photo Sunday, November 6th,2022 (time to be determined)
-Online Auction Basket December 7-9th 2022. Pick up baskets on Mon, December 12th.
-Ties & Tiara Saturday, February 11th, 2023 (6-8 pm)
-Drive Through Santa Sunday, December 4th, 2022 (3-6 pm)
-My Guy & I Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 (5-8 pm)
-Backyard BBQ Friday, October 21st, 2022
-Back to School Bash, Wed, August 3rd
-Kindergarten Promotion Monday, May 23rd
-5th Grade Promotion Tuesday, May 24th
-End of School Wed, May 25th
-Field Day May 18th
-School Supplies List has been submitted. Need to send in Fundraising Request