PTO Meeting Notes 2/10/2022
Bethesda Elementary PTO Meeting
Date: Thursday, February 10th, 2022
Location: Bethesda Elementary School
In Attendance:
Lindsay Wright, Jill Justus, Kocoa Menges, Tatiana Liston, Jen Vannoy, Erin Mitchell, Ashley Hull, Suz Wilhelm, Megan Halaschak
9:30 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright
· Treasure (Erin Mitchell)
-$18,373.81 in bank
-Statement attached
· Ties & Tiara (Lindsay Wright)
-257 tickets sold
-27 tickets to be left at check in for free/reduced lunches
-We have snacks/water/candy
-Set up at 1-3pm, back at 5:30 for DJ
-Tickets/Check-in Lindsay and Erin
-Snacks Amanda and Jen
-Photo Booth Tatiana and Ashley
-Floater Kocoa
· Spirit Nights (Tatian Liston)
- Sonic Spirit Night made $300
-February 16th Papa Murphy’s 11-8 pm
-Moe’s Taco Kits order by March 22nd.
-April 5th, Skate Night at Brentwood Skates. $11 for kids to skate, along with $3 admission fee. We make $3.50 per skater
· Hospitality (Kocoa Menges)
-February Luncheon
Thursday, February 17th
Donuts, coffee, creamer, fruit
Set up by 8am
-March Luncheon
Thursday, March 24th
Shugs Ice Cream 10:30-1pm
Hanaha Parks 615-626-8814
-April Luncheon-
Thursday, April 15th
-Sunshine Cart “You are Somebody’s Reason to Smile”
-May Luncheon
Tuesday, May 3rd
CD’s BBQ (1/2 pork, 1/2 chicken, buns, sauce, baked beans, slaw)
-Friday, Fill the Fridge (set this up for the end of February)
· My Guy & I (Lindsay Wright)
-Outdoors. Sonic donates hot dogs?
-Movie, Dinner, Snack $10
· Spiritwear (Jen Vannoy)
-Buying in bulk
-New field trip shirts approved
· TCap (Jill Justus & Lindsay Wright)
-April 18th -May 6th
-Kona Ice or Shugs?
-Dairy Free Option
-12-3 pm
· Field Day (Jill Justus)
-May 18th
Meeting adjourned at 11 am by Lindsay Wright